Versión española🇪🇸

We need your help and every little counts

Your donation will help us to…

  • Maintain our webpage which offers vital information and support and has over 100,000 visits every year from all over the Spanish-speaking world 
  • Allow us to provide direct support and advice through email, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Whatsapp. 
  • Supply hospitals with vital materials such as memory boxes and information leaflets for parents
  • Provide training to health professionals and organise conferences
  • Develop practice guides for hospitals
  • Run awareness campaigns such as “The wave of light” every 15th of October for Internataional Babyloss Day
  • Conduct high quality original research on experiences of grief and healthcare
  • Publish scientific material on mortality rates, position statements and evaluations of third party content
  • Conduct perinatal mortality prevention campaigns like “Sleep to side” and “Movements matter”

Would you like to…

Make a one-off donation by…

Become a Friend of Umamanita and make a yearly contribution

Bank transfers

Due to improper use of our bank account details we cannot publish them on the website. If you would like to make a donation by bank transfer, please write to us at and we will send you the account details.

Thank you!