Umamanita is a Spanish charity that supports parents following miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death.

We also offer English-language support from native English speakers to foreign residents or tourists should they experience the loss of baby while living in or visiting Spain.

We can provide information to parents about the practices and options available in Spanish hospitals in relation to seeing and spending time with their baby, keeping physical memories and taking photographs, organising a funeral or repatriation, postmortem examinations and legal rights in relation to maternity and paternity leave and registration of the death in the Civil Register.

Contact us at, we’ll respond as soon as possible and organise a phone call if necessary or desired.

If you are a parent looking for urgent information, although our website is in Spanish, you may find it useful to do an autotranslate of the following page:

In the hospital – My baby has died or is going to die [En el hospital – Mi bebé ha fallecido o va a fallecer]